Nekretnine, Crna GoraProdaje se neurbanizovano zemljište u naselju Višnjeva, opština Kotor, površine 900m². Ova atraktivna parcela nudi pogled na more i nalazi se na lokaciji koja kombinuje mirno prirodno okruženje sa blizinom obale.Višnjeva je poznata po svom netaknutom pejzažu, čistom vazduhu i spektakularnim pogledima na Jadransko more. Nalazi se samo 8 km od Budve, u neposrednoj blizini atraktivnih plaža - Jaz (4 km), Trsteno (3.3 km) i Ploče (4 km).
Non-urbanized land 900m² with sea view – Višnjeva, Kotor Real Estate, MontenegroA non-urbanized land plot of 900m² is for sale in the settlement of Višnjeva, Municipality of Kotor.This attractive parcel offers a sea view and is located in an area that combines a peaceful natural environment with proximity to the coast.Višnjeva is known for its untouched landscapes, fresh air, and spectacular views of the Adriatic Sea.It is just 8 km from Budva and in close proximity to the stunning beaches of Jaz (4 km), Trsteno (3.3 km), and Ploče (4 km).