Izdaje se namješten dvosoban duplex stan, površine 95m2, na šestom spratu stambene zgrade, Preko Morače.
Struktura stana:
I nivo – ulazni hodnik, dnevna soba sa izlazom na terasu, trpezarija, kuhinja i toalet.
II nivo – dvije spavaće sobe, kupatilo i terasa.
Lokacija stana nudi blizinu svih važnih sadržaja – prodavnice, restorani, osnovna i više srednjih škola, vrtić, parkovi, dom
zdravlja, Univerzitet Crne Gore, Tržni centar Bazar… Sve je na dohvat ruke!
Zgrada ima lift. Ulaz se redovno održava.
Iza zgrade je dostupno privatno parking mjesto.
Izdaje se na duži vremenski period uz obavezan depozit!
Two bedroom apartment for Rent, Podgorica, Kruševac, 95m2 A furnished two-room duplex apartment, 95m2, on the sixth floor of a residential building, Preko Morača, is for rent.
Apartment structure:
Level I - entrance hall, living room with access to the terrace, dining room, kitchen and toilet.
II level - two bedrooms, bathroom and terrace.
The location of the apartment offers proximity to all important facilities - shops, restaurants, primary and secondary schools, kindergarten, parks, home
of health, the University of Montenegro, the Bazar shopping center... Everything is within reach!
The building has an elevator. The entrance is regularly maintained.
A private parking space is available behind the building.
It is rented out for a long period of time with a mandatory deposit!