Prodaje se fantastican urbanizovan plac površine 2559 m².Plac dolazi sa završenim idejnim projektom koji predviđa izgradnju dva objekta ukupne neto površine 2226 m². Ova izuzetna lokacija pruža brojne mogućnosti za investitore koji traže siguran i profitabilan projekat. Plac se nalazi na samo 100 metara od glavnog puta Budva-Kotor, koji je trenutno u fazi rekonstrukcije u put sa četiri trake, što dodatno povećava njegovu privlačnost i olakšava pristup.Lokacija je dodatno atraktivna zbog blizine ključnih tačaka: najbliža plaža, Jaz, udaljena je svega 2,5 km, dok su aerodrom Tivat na 13 km, Kotor na 15 km, a Budva na samo 7 km. Plac je ravan, sa obezbeđenom strujom i vodom, što ga čini spremnim za trenutni početak izgradnje. Idejni projekat koji je već završen omogućava gradnju dva savremena objekta, idealna za stambene ili turističke namene, u skladu sa rastućom potražnjom za nekretninama na ovoj prestižnoj lokaciji.Ova nekretnina pruža savršen balans između pristupačnosti, infrastrukture i blizine ključnih turističkih i poslovnih centara, što je čini odličnom investicijom za buduće projekte.Prodaja se vrši direktno od vlasnika, bez posrednika.
Urbanized Plot 2,559m² with a Completed Conceptual Project on the Budva-Tivat Highway (Kovačko Polje) – Directly from the Owner, Excellent Investment A fantastic urbanized plot of 2,559 m² is for sale.The plot comes with a completed conceptual project that envisions the construction of two buildings with a total net area of 2,226 m². This exceptional location offers numerous opportunities for investors seeking a secure and profitable project.The plot is located just 100 meters from the main Budva-Kotor road, which is currently being reconstructed into a four-lane highway, further enhancing its appeal and accessibility.The location is additionally attractive due to its proximity to key points: the nearest beach, Jaz, is only 2.5 km away, while Tivat Airport is 13 km, Kotor 15 km, and Budva just 7 km away.The land is flat, with electricity and water connections, making it ready for immediate construction. The completed conceptual project allows for the construction of two modern buildings, ideal for residential or tourism purposes, in line with the growing demand for real estate in this prestigious area.This property offers the perfect balance of accessibility, infrastructure, and proximity to key tourist and business centers, making it an excellent investment for future projects.The sale is directly from the owner, without intermediaries.