Mahala, Podgorica!
Plac se sastoji iz tri katastarske parcele koje čine jednu urbanističku. Dozvoljena gradnja P+2 stambeno-poslovne namjene, maksimamalne BRGP 1069 m². Voda i struja na placu. Plac se nalazi preko puta servisa Vujačić.
Cijena placa: 113.500,00 €
Ukoliko Vam se svidjela ponuda kontaktirajte nas za više informacija na:
Tel: 069/72 72 88 (viber, whatsapp)
Inst: trust nekretnine
A plot of land with an area of 2200 m² is for sale!
Mahala, Podgorica!
The plot consists of three cadastral parcels that make up one urbanistic unit. Construction is allowed for residential and commercial use up to G+2, with a maximum BRGP of 1069 m². Water and electricity are available on the plot. The plot is located across from the Vujačić service center.
Plot price: €113,500.00
If you are interested in this offer, please contact us for more information at:
Tel: 069/72 72 88 (Viber, WhatsApp)
Inst: trust nekretnine