Na prodaju prelijep, komforan, cca 150m² trosoban stan sa trostranom orjentacijom, koji se nalazi na III spratu, koji posjeduje i dva garažna mjesta i ostavu. Nalazi se na sjajnoj lokaciji u blizini brda Ljubovic, u samom centru grada, na 5minuta od Hotela Hilton kao i Atlas Capitala. Stan se sastoji od komfornog dnevnog boravka, trpezarije i kuhinje, kao i tri sobe od kojih je jedna master soba sa sopstvenim kupatilom i garderoberom i terasom, dvije djecije sobe bez terase i kupatilom. Takodje stan posjeduje i ostavu koja je organizaciono orjentisana kao veseraj. Stan je nov, opremljen savremenim materijalima, skupocjenim namjestajem kao i vrhunskim ugradnom tehnikom u kuhinji i veseraju, marke BOSCH. Kompletan stan je u opremljen SmartHome sistemom ciji pregled imate na kucnim tabletima, tastaturama ali i mobilnim uredjajima. Najsavremenija vrsta hladjenja i grijanja putem toplotne pume proizvodjaca Daikin, plafonske skrovene jedinice klime, kao i podno grijanje u cijelom objektu. Blindirana vrata sa otiskom prsta prilikom otkljucavanja kao i čipom. Stan posjeduje i dva parking mjesta kao i manju ostavu u garazi u kojoj je smjestena oprema za treniranje/traka za trcanje kao i prateci elementi. Garaza se otvara putem čitača tablica. Zgrada je uradjena savremeno, od kvalitetnih materijala, Alumil bravarije kao i italijanske keramike i francuskih podova. U sklopu zgrade smjestena je i recepcija kao i video nadzor 24h/7. Zgrada posjeduje lift marke OTIS. U dvorisnom dijelu zgrade, nalazi se igraliste za djecu, koje mozete pratiti putem Tv-ekrana u samom stanu preko kamere koja prati igraliste. Zgrada posjeduje 10 stanova, 2 stana po spratu.
Three bedroom apartment for Sale, Podgorica, Stara Varoš, 148m2 For sale, a beautiful, comfortable, approx. 150 m² three-room apartment with three-sided orientation, located on the third floor, which also has two garage spaces. It is located in a great location near Ljubovic Hill, in the very center of the city, 5 minutes from the Hilton Hotel and Atlas Capital. The apartment consists of a comfortable living room, dining room and kitchen, as well as three rooms, one of which is a master room with its own bathroom and wardrobe and a terrace, two childrens rooms without a terrace and a bathroom. The apartment also has a storage room, which is organizationally oriented like a laundry room. The apartment is new, equipped with modern materials, expensive furniture, as well as top-quality built-in technology in the kitchen and laundry room, brand BOSCH. The entire apartment is equipped with the SmartHome system, which can be viewed on home tablets, keyboards, and mobile devices. The most up-to-date type of cooling and heating through the Daikin heat pump, hidden ceiling air conditioning unit, as well as underfloor heating throughout the building. Armored door with fingerprint when unlocking as well as chip. The apartment also has two parking spaces as well as a small storage room in the garage where training equipment/treadmill as well as accompanying elements are located. The garage is opened using a license plate reader. The building is modern, made of quality materials, Alumil locksmith, as well as Italian ceramics and French floors. The building has a reception desk as well as 24/7 video surveillance. The building has an OTIS elevator. In the courtyard part of the building, there is a playground for children, which you can monitor via the TV screen in the apartment itself via a camera that monitors the playground. The building has 10 apartments, 2 apartments per floor.