Izdaje se namješten, jednosoban stan, površine 52m2, na drugom spratu stambene zgrade u Master kvartu, u Podgorici.
Struktura: ulazni hodnik, dnevna soba sa trpezarijom i kuhinjom, spavaća soba, kupatilo, terasa kojoj se može pristupiti iz dnevne sobe.
Stan je opremljen svom neophodnom tehnikom, kao što su: mašina za veš, mašina za pranje suđa, televizor, šporet , aspirator, frižider, usisivač, internet, kablovska.
Stan je veoma dobro osvijetljen.
Zgrada ima lift i ispred zgrade je dostupan veliki, javni parking.
Stan nije PET FRIENDLY (nije otvoren za ljubimce).
Izdaje se na duži vremenski period uz obavezan depozit.
One bedroom apartment for Rent, Podgorica, Master kvart, 52m2 Furnished, one-room apartment for rent, 52m2, on the second floor of a residential building in the Master quarter, in Podgorica.
Structure: entrance hall, living room with dining room and kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, terrace that can be accessed from the living room.
The apartment is equipped with all necessary appliances, such as: washing machine, dishwasher, TV, stove, aspirator, refrigerator, vacuum cleaner, internet, cable.
The apartment is very well lit.
The building has an elevator and a large, public parking lot is available in front of the building.
The apartment is not PET FRIENDLY.
It is issued for a longer period of time with a mandatory deposit.