Izdaje se dvosoban stan u Budvi, u naselju Lazi, smeštenom iza HDL marketa. Poseduje dve spavace sobu,dnevni boravak sa kuhinjom i trpezarijom,kupatilo i terasu sa pogledom na more.U neposrednoj blizini nalaze se marketi, restorani i ostali sadržaji.U cenu stana ukljuceno je i garazno mesto.Uslovi:Ugovor na godinu dana,placanje prve i poslednje kirije,kao i jednog depozita unapred
Two bedroom apartment with a sea view and a garage, Budva-Lazi (long term) Two-bedroom apartment for rent in Budva, in the Lazi neighborhood, located behind the HDL market.It has two bedrooms, a living room with a kitchen and dining room, a bathroom and a terrace with a view of the sea.In the immediate vicinity there are markets, restaurants and other amenities.The price of the apartment includes a parking space.Terms: Contract for one year, payment of the first and last rent, as well as one deposit in advance