Dvosoban stan površine 57m2 na prodaju u elitnom dijelu Podgorice, Gorici C.
Nalazi se na III spratu novog kompleksa u izgradnji “Gorica Residence”.
Stan je odlično organizovan, i sastoji se od dnevnog boravka, dvije spavaće sobe, hodnika, kupatila i terase.
“Gorica Residence” posjeduje savremenu tehničku opremljenost objekta sa mogućnošću potpune automatizacije, visok kvalitet upotrebljenih materijala i završne obrade. Sistem hlađenja odvija se putem mreže Fan-coil uređaja, ugrađenih u plafon. Upravljanje sistemom grijanja i hlađenja je automatsko, sa Wi-Fi konekcijom koja omogućava daljinsku upravljanje sistemom.
Sistem pametne kuće je omogućio intergraciju različitih sigurnosnih sistema u jedan komunikacioni sistem.
Prilikom kupovine ovog stana budući kupac se oslobađa plaćanja poreza na promet nepokretnosti u iznosu od 3%.
Završetak radova prilikom izgradnje ove zgrade predviđen je za mart 2025.
Kompleks se nalazi blizu Gorica parka, što omogućava savršen spoj sa prirodom.
Damir Džogović
Two-bedroom apartment 57m2 under construction, Gorica C – Podgorica Two-bedroom apartment of 57m2 for sale in the elite part of Podgorica, Gorica C.
It is located on the 3rd floor of the new complex under construction “Gorica Residence”.
The apartment is excellently organized, and consists of a living room, two bedrooms, hallway, bathroom and terrace.
“Gorica Residence” has modern technical equipment of the building with the possibility of full automation, high quality of materials used and finishing. The cooling system is carried out via a network of Fan-coil devices, built into the ceiling. The heating and cooling system is controlled automatically, with a Wi-Fi connection that allows remote control of the system.
The smart home system has enabled the integration of various security systems into a single communication system.
When purchasing this apartment, the future buyer is exempted from paying the 3% real estate transfer tax.
The completion of the construction of this building is scheduled for March 2025.
The complex is located near Gorica Park, which allows for a perfect connection with nature.
Damir Džogović