Nekretnine,Crna Gora Prodaje se dvosoban dupleks stan povrsine 115m2 smešten u mirnom naselju Adok, Budva, na svega 300-400 metara od mora. Struktura stana obuhvata hodnik, trpezariju, opremljenu kuhinju, dnevni boravak sa izlazom na balkon, spavaću sobu, kupatilo i galeriju koja još uvek nije opremljena. Poseban benefit ovog stana je krovna terasa površine 40 m², koja nije uknjižena, ali je dostupna isključivo budućem vlasniku.Stan se nalazi na 4. spratu zgrade bez lifta, ali uz mogućnost njegove naknadne ugradnje. Ulaz je uredan i prostran, a trenutno je u procesu formiranje skupštine stanara i sređivanje zajedničkih prostora.Postoji mogućnost preuređenja prostora kako bi se dobile još dve spavaće sobe, od kojih bi obe imale pogled na more, što dodatno povećava vrednost i potencijal stana.Stan je u potpunosti renoviran – zamenjene su sve elektro i vodovodne instalacije, a prodaje se sa novim nameštajem i tehnikom. Budući vlasnici dobijaju potpuno opremljen stan, spreman za trenutni život, bez potrebe za dodatnim ulaganjima.Naselje je izuzetno mirno, puno zelenila, sa igralištem za decu i svim neophodnim sadržajima u blizini.
Two-bedroom duplex apartment 115 m² – Adok, Budva Real Estate, MontenegroA two-bedroom duplex apartment of 115 m² is for sale in the peaceful neighborhood of Adok, Budva, just 300-400 meters from the sea.The apartment layout includes a hallway, dining area, fully equipped kitchen, living room with access to a balcony, one bedroom, a bathroom, and an unfinished gallery. A special advantage of this apartment is the 40 m² rooftop terrace, which is not registered but is exclusively available to the future owner.The apartment is located on the 4th floor of a building without an elevator, but there is a possibility of installing one in the future. The entrance is spacious and well-maintained, and the process of forming a tenants association and improving common areas is currently underway.There is also an option to restructure the space to create two additional bedrooms, both of which would have a sea view, further increasing the value and potential of the apartment.The apartment has been completely renovated – all electrical and plumbing installations have been replaced, and it is sold with brand-new furniture and appliances. The future owners will receive a fully equipped apartment, ready for immediate occupancy, without the need for additional investment.The neighborhood is exceptionally quiet, full of greenery, with a children’s playground and all necessary amenities nearby.