Dvosoban stan površine 76m2 za izdavanje u novoj zgradi KIPS-a u kompleksu New City.
Nalazi se na III spratu zgrade.
Riječ je o veoma komfornom, dobro organizovanom dvosobnom stanu, koji je kompletno namješten modernim, luksuznim i kvalitetnim namještajem. Lijepo je osvijetljen i prozračan, i posjeduje ostavu.
Besplatan parking za stanare se nalazi oko zgrade, a u cijenu zakupa stana uključeno je i jedno garažno mjesto.
Depozit u visini od 1.800 eura i ugovor kod notara na godinu dana su obavezni.
Two-room apartment 76m2 + garage, New City – Podgorica Two-room apartment of 76m2 for rent in the new KIPS building in the New City complex.
It is located on the third floor of the building.
It is a very comfortable, well-organized two-room apartment, which is fully furnished with modern, luxurious and quality furniture. It is beautifully lit and airy, and has a storage room.
Free parking for tenants is located around the building, and one garage space is included in the apartment rental price.
A deposit in the amount of 1,800 euros and a contract with a notary for one year are mandatory.